Interestingly, as a nurse, I had observed that most patients came back for their 10 day follow-up with their hand still rather swollen and motionless. After the first two days of keeping my hand elevated constantly, I decided to start using it for small things and work up as I could. What I found was that I could do much more than I long as I let pain be my guide. Interestingly, use has not caused an increase in swelling. So my conclusion is this.....if you want to recuperate from carpal tunnel surgery more quickly....return to sewing as soon as able.

Actually, the secret to speedy healing is having a bunch of Farmgals sending you healing wishes. Works every time!!
So glad to see you getting back into form. ;) B
If that's the case....then, thank you friends...I am indebted to you for all the healing thoughts!!!!
I love your nine patch fabrics. It will be so gorgeous when done. That is one of my favorite patterns and I use it often.
ADORING your new quilting machine!! Can you see my happy face when I think of you making quilts with it?
Glad you are healing quickly.
am so glad that your hand is healing so well..yay! have a great week!
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